Afterlives Brightened![]() No Award Winner 0 Sun-on-a-Stick kills |
Amputator![]() No Award Winner 0 Amputator kills |
Armed Robbery![]() No Award Winner 0 Unarmed Combat kills |
Assistance![]() Joey Big Nuts 19 kill assists |
Atoms Split![]() No Award Winner 0 Atomizer kills |
Axe-O-Mania![]() No Award Winner 0 axe kills |
Axtinguisher![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the axtinguisher |
Baby Face![]() JaxsonX 2 Baby Face's Blaster kills |
Backburner![]() Mayorski 14 burned backs |
Backstabber![]() No Award Winner 0 backstabs |
Bargins Earned![]() RawChester 8 Bazaar Bargain kills |
Baseball freak![]() No Award Winner 0 bat kills |
Batter Up!![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Sandman |
Best Latency![]() No Award Winner 0 ms average connection |
Bisons Blasted![]() No Award Winner 0 Righteous Bison kills |
Blocker![]() No Award Winner 0 checkpoint blockings |
Blutsauger![]() Joey Big Nuts 7 times sucked blood |
Bolts Blown![]() Shredder (emo/scene furry!) 6 Crusader's Crossbow kills |
Boom Sticka![]() RawChester 3 Caber BOOM kills |
Boots Quaked![]() ArrivingDuck 5 Original kills |
Boston Basher![]() JaxsonX 1 Boston Basher kills |
Brass Beast![]() rtss 14 Brass Beast kills |
Busts Busted![]() No Award Winner 0 Solemn Vow kills |
Caber's Clubbed![]() RawChester 2 Caber bash kills |
Canes Cracked![]() RawChester 1 Candy Cane kills |
Capturer![]() No Award Winner 0 checkpoint captures |
Cement Shoes Dispensed![]() No Award Winner 0 Family Business kills |
Circuits Shorted![]() No Award Winner 0 Short Circuit kills |
Claidheamohmor![]() RawChester 7 Claidheamohmor kills |
Clawed Candyasses![]() rtss 1 Warrior's Spirit kills |
Cleaning Time![]() RawChester 7 The Cleaner's Carbine kills |
Cold as ice![]() Tristesse 17 Spy-cicle kills |
Come on ride THE PAIN TRAIN![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Pain Train |
Convenient Radiation![]() No Award Winner 0 Pomson 6000 kills |
Cows Mangled![]() No Award Winner 0 Cow Mangler 5000 kills |
Dalokohs is delicious!![]() No Award Winner 0 Dalokohs eaten |
Dangerous Crab![]() No Award Winner 0 spy taunt kills |
Deaths Enforced![]() No Award Winner 0 Enforcer kills |
Deflected Arrow![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected arrow |
Deflected Flare![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected flare |
Deflected Grenade![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected grenade |
Deflected Sticky![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected sticky |
Degreased![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Degreaser |
Demolition Man![]() Goofy_ahh_play 2 pipe bomb kills |
Despite all my rage there's a Guitar on your head![]() No Award Winner 0 Engineer taunt kills (Guitar) |
Detonations Served![]() No Award Winner 0 Detonator kills |
Diplomatic Immunity![]() JaxsonX 2 kills with the Ambassador |
Disciplined to Death![]() Joey Big Nuts 1 Disciplinary Action kills |
Doctor Assited Suicide![]() Tame Impala INNERSPEAKER 24 suicides |
Dominator![]() RawChester 9 dominations |
Don't Beg![]() No Award Winner 0 Beggar's Bazooka kills |
Douser![]() No Award Winner 0 extinguishes with Jarate |
Down Under![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Sydney Sleeper |
Drunken Demoman![]() Mayorski 1 bottle kills |
Engineer![]() Melee Abuse 9 sentry kills |
Engineer Extinguish![]() No Award Winner 0 extinguishes with Dispenser |
Engineer on Rage![]() No Award Winner 0 wrench kills |
Eureka!![]() MasterXenMonkey 3 Eureka Effect kills |
Fans Made![]() No Award Winner 0 Fan O'War kills |
Fast and Furious![]() Tristesse 18 scattergun kills |
Fire Flight![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Flaming Huntsman |
Fisting king![]() No Award Winner 0 fistings |
Flare Gun![]() Mayorski 7 flare gun kills |
Fly Ball![]() RawChester 1 kills with the Baseball |
Fragments Fragged![]() No Award Winner 0 Sharpened Volcano Fragment kills |
Free Candy![]() No Award Winner 0 The Lollichop kills |
Fried Egg![]() RawChester 6 kills with the Frying Pan |
Full Speed Ahead![]() No Award Winner 0 Splendid Screen kills |
Garden Graves Dug![]() No Award Winner 0 Market Gardener kills |
George Bushwacka![]() Joey Big Nuts 1 kills with The Bushwacka |
Give It a Little Blow![]() Goofy_ahh_play 4 extinguishes with Flamethrower |
Good-bye Cruel Worlds![]() No Award Winner 0 Soldier taunt kills |
Goombas Stomped![]() No Award Winner 0 Mantreads kills |
Got something for ya!![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Chargin' Targe |
Grave Digger![]() No Award Winner 0 shovel kills |
Hadouken![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with Hadouken |
Hale No![]() No Award Winner 0 Saxxy kills |
Hallelujah!![]() No Award Winner 0 Kamikaze (Lumbricus Lid) kills |
Hands Shook![]() No Award Winner 0 Scottish Handshake kills |
Headache![]() RawChester 14 headshots |
Heavy surgery![]() No Award Winner 0 KGB kills |
Hole in One![]() ArrivingDuck 3 Nessie's Nine Iron kills |
Homewreckin![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Homewrecker |
Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker![]() Tristesse 1 Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker kills |
In and Out![]() No Award Winner 0 players penetrated |
In Soviet Russia Iron Curtain Owns You![]() No Award Winner 0 Iron Curtain kills |
It goes on and on...![]() Tame Impala INNERSPEAKER 3 kills with Your Eternal Reward |
It's Little and Cute and Ben's Sister Likes It![]() Tristesse 3 Mini Sentry Gun kills |
It's Urgent![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Gloves of Running Urgently |
Jag'd Off![]() ISLAM_GAMING 1 Jag kills |
Juice Loosener![]() Joey Big Nuts 1 Charged Medics killed |
Justified Kills![]() Tristesse 7 kills with the Frontier Justice |
King of vengence![]() Joey Big Nuts 10 revenges |
Lives Liberated![]() No Award Winner 0 Liberty Launcher kills |
Loch-n-Load'd![]() RawChester 6 Loch-n-Load kills |
Lookin Good![]() JaxsonX 2 Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol kills |
Lucky Duck![]() No Award Winner 0 kills by telefrag |
Mail's Here![]() No Award Winner 0 Postal Pummeler kills |
Making Heat![]() Joey Big Nuts 4 The Hitman's Heatmaker kills |
Medic Assistance![]() RawChester 3 medic assists |
Medic Extinguish![]() No Award Winner 0 extinguishes with Heal Gun |
Melted Men![]() No Award Winner 0 Manmelter kills |
Men Mauled![]() No Award Winner 0 Maul kills |
Milk - does a body good![]() No Award Winner 0 extinguishes with Mad Milk |
Mixed ya right up!![]() No Award Winner 0 Engineer taunt kills (Gunslinger) |
Most Bonus Points![]() RawChester 177 bonus points |
Most dominated![]() Joey Big Nuts 9 times dominated |
Most Kills![]() ArrivingDuck 98 kills |
My Fists They Are Made Of Steel!![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Fists of Steel |
Nataschas Friend![]() ISLAM_GAMING 2 Natascha kills |
NO METAL FOR YOU!![]() ArrivingDuck 3 dispensers destroyed |
Not even winded![]() No Award Winner 0 scout taunt kills |
Now that's a knife![]() RawChester 3 machete kills |
Oktoberfest!![]() No Award Winner 0 medic taunt kills |
On the Rebound![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected rocket |
One, Two, Punch!![]() No Award Winner 0 Gunslinger Combo Kills |
Ooooh burn!![]() JaxsonX 2 Third Degree kills |
Patients Overdosed![]() No Award Winner 0 Overdose kills |
Persons Persuaded![]() Joey Big Nuts 1 Persian Persuader kills |
Phlogged![]() ISLAM_GAMING 7 Phlogistinator kills |
Pistol![]() Tristesse 6 pistol kills |
POW! Ha Ha![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with heavy taunt |
Powerjacking![]() MasterXenMonkey 1 kills with The Powerjack |
Problems Solved![]() Joey Big Nuts 5 Machina kills |
Prospectors Piercings![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Equalizer |
Pumpkin Bomber![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with a pumpkin bomb |
Pyro![]() Tristesse 4 flame burnings |
Quivering Fool![]() RawChester 16 kills with the Huntsman |
Rakes Wrecked![]() No Award Winner 0 Back Scratcher kills |
Ranged![]() Tristesse 1 kills with the L'Etranger |
Reflected Burn![]() No Award Winner 0 Defected Huntsman Burning Arrow kills |
Reflected Detonation![]() No Award Winner 0 Defected Flare (Detonator) kills |
Remote Demolition Man![]() ISLAM_GAMING 3 pipe bomb kills |
Reservations Made![]() No Award Winner 0 Reserve Shooter kills |
Robin Hood![]() No Award Winner 0 sniper taunt kills |
Rune Slices Served![]() No Award Winner 0 Three-Rune Blade kills |
Rustlers Wrangled![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Wrangler |
Samurai Swipes![]() MasterXenMonkey 7 Half-Zatoichi kills |
Save A Cow, Eat mor Chikin![]() No Award Winner 0 Deflected Cow Mangler Shot kills |
Say no to mini sentries![]() No Award Winner 0 mini sentry guns destroyed |
Say no to sentries![]() ArrivingDuck 11 sentry guns destroyed |
Scorcher![]() No Award Winner 0 The Scorch Shot kills |
Scotsman's Skullcutter![]() JaxsonX 2 kills with The Scotsman's Skullcutter |
Scout Pistol![]() ArrivingDuck 5 pistol kills |
Shahaha UR Dead![]() No Award Winner 0 Shahanshah kills |
Shotgun![]() Joey Big Nuts 8 shotgun kills |
Shotgun Heavy![]() ArrivingDuck 2 shotgun kills |
Shotgun Pyro![]() RawChester 2 shotgun kills |
Shotgun Soldier![]() ArrivingDuck 3 shotgun kills |
Signed Petitioners![]() ArrivingDuck 3 Conscientious Objector kills |
Skill Rockets![]() ArrivingDuck 13 kills with the Direct Hit |
Skill Stickies![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Scottish Resistance |
Slings Slung![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Gunslinger |
Soldier![]() ArrivingDuck 8 rocket kills |
Something's Fishy![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Holy Mackerel |
Souls Evicted![]() No Award Winner 0 Eviction Notice kills |
Souls Popped![]() ArrivingDuck 9 Soda Popper kills |
Souls Rattled![]() No Award Winner 0 Diamondback kills |
Southern This!![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Southern Hospitality |
Spikes Implanted![]() No Award Winner 0 Conniver's Kunai kills |
Stabber![]() Mayorski 7 knifings |
Stopping Short![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Shortstop |
Submachine gun![]() Joey Big Nuts 3 smg kills |
Suckers Stuck![]() No Award Winner 0 Big Earner kills |
Sword Swallowers![]() No Award Winner 0 Demoman taunt kills |
Swords a Slicing![]() MasterXenMonkey 5 kills with the Eyelander |
Take a walk!![]() No Award Winner 0 teleporters killed |
Take your Vita-Saws![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Vita-Saw |
Terminator![]() Mayorski 3 minigun kills |
The Gift of Punch![]() Joey Big Nuts 1 Holiday Punch kills |
The Great Escape![]() No Award Winner 0 The Escape Plan kills |
The Injector![]() RawChester 4 syringe kills |
The Rainman![]() Goofy_ahh_play 5 The Rainblower kills |
The Saw![]() No Award Winner 0 sawed bones |
The Tribalman's Shiv![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Tribalman's Shiv |
Tomis Tapped![]() Joey Big Nuts 10 Tomislav kills |
Top Sniper![]() Shredder (emo/scene furry!) 4 snipings |
Ubermedic![]() No Award Winner 0 deployed charges |
Ubersaw![]() RawChester 4 kills with ubersaw |
Warriors Winged![]() Tristesse 3 Winger kills |
Wayne![]() Tristesse 9 revolver kills |
We've got a bleeder![]() rtss 2 bleed kills |
What's in the box?![]() Tristesse 6 kills with The Black Box |
Who wants some of this?![]() RawChester 1 kills with the Force-A-Nature |
Widows Made![]() ArrivingDuck 2 Widowmaker kills |
Wrapping Machine![]() No Award Winner 0 Wrap Assassin kills |

Afterlives Brightened![]() No Award Winner 0 Sun-on-a-Stick kills |
Amputator![]() No Award Winner 0 Amputator kills |
Armed Robbery![]() No Award Winner 0 Unarmed Combat kills |
Assistance![]() Mayorski 49 kill assists |
Atoms Split![]() Yeti |Burnt Out| 1 Atomizer kills |
Axe-O-Mania![]() engineer gaming 1 axe kills |
Axtinguisher![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the axtinguisher |
Baby Face![]() JaxsonX 2 Baby Face's Blaster kills |
Backburner![]() Mayorski 33 burned backs |
Backstabber![]() No Award Winner 0 backstabs |
Bargins Earned![]() rtss 133 Bazaar Bargain kills |
Baseball freak![]() No Award Winner 0 bat kills |
Batter Up!![]() Huzurevi Kaçağı 1 kills with the Sandman |
Best Latency![]() Pigeon Master of the World 53 ms average connection |
Bisons Blasted![]() zaj 2 Righteous Bison kills |
Blocker![]() Colossal Chieftain 1 checkpoint blockings |
Blutsauger![]() Joey Big Nuts 7 times sucked blood |
Bolts Blown![]() Shredder (emo/scene furry!) 6 Crusader's Crossbow kills |
Boom Sticka![]() zaj 3 Caber BOOM kills |
Boots Quaked![]() Retrogue 26 Original kills |
Boston Basher![]() JaxsonX 1 Boston Basher kills |
Brass Beast![]() rtss 40 Brass Beast kills |
Busts Busted![]() No Award Winner 0 Solemn Vow kills |
Caber's Clubbed![]() RawChester 2 Caber bash kills |
Canes Cracked![]() RawChester 1 Candy Cane kills |
Capturer![]() Tame Impala INNERSPEAKER 1 checkpoint captures |
Cement Shoes Dispensed![]() JaxsonX 5 Family Business kills |
Circuits Shorted![]() cathave 1 Short Circuit kills |
Claidheamohmor![]() RawChester 7 Claidheamohmor kills |
Clawed Candyasses![]() Antroz0n 1 Warrior's Spirit kills |
Cleaning Time![]() RawChester 7 The Cleaner's Carbine kills |
Cold as ice![]() Tristesse 17 Spy-cicle kills |
Come on ride THE PAIN TRAIN![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Pain Train |
Convenient Radiation![]() Huzurevi Görevlisi 2 Pomson 6000 kills |
Cows Mangled![]() JaxsonX 22 Cow Mangler 5000 kills |
Dalokohs is delicious!![]() No Award Winner 0 Dalokohs eaten |
Dangerous Crab![]() No Award Winner 0 spy taunt kills |
Deaths Enforced![]() No Award Winner 0 Enforcer kills |
Deflected Arrow![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected arrow |
Deflected Flare![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected flare |
Deflected Grenade![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected grenade |
Deflected Sticky![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected sticky |
Degreased![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Degreaser |
Demolition Man![]() Goofy_ahh_play 8 pipe bomb kills |
Despite all my rage there's a Guitar on your head![]() No Award Winner 0 Engineer taunt kills (Guitar) |
Detonations Served![]() Tame Impala INNERSPEAKER 1 Detonator kills |
Diplomatic Immunity![]() Retrogue 24 kills with the Ambassador |
Disciplined to Death![]() Joey Big Nuts 1 Disciplinary Action kills |
Doctor Assited Suicide![]() Wilkins 66260 suicides |
Dominator![]() rtss 30 dominations |
Don't Beg![]() No Award Winner 0 Beggar's Bazooka kills |
Douser![]() heavy 5 extinguishes with Jarate |
Down Under![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Sydney Sleeper |
Drunken Demoman![]() ISLAM_GAMING 17 bottle kills |
Engineer![]() ISLAM_GAMING 10 sentry kills |
Engineer Extinguish![]() No Award Winner 0 extinguishes with Dispenser |
Engineer on Rage![]() General Butt Naked 3 wrench kills |
Eureka!![]() MasterXenMonkey 3 Eureka Effect kills |
Fans Made![]() No Award Winner 0 Fan O'War kills |
Fast and Furious![]() Goofy_ahh_play 36 scattergun kills |
Fire Flight![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Flaming Huntsman |
Fisting king![]() Antroz0n 2 fistings |
Flare Gun![]() Mayorski 11 flare gun kills |
Fly Ball![]() RawChester 1 kills with the Baseball |
Fragments Fragged![]() No Award Winner 0 Sharpened Volcano Fragment kills |
Free Candy![]() No Award Winner 0 The Lollichop kills |
Fried Egg![]() ISLAM_GAMING 29 kills with the Frying Pan |
Full Speed Ahead![]() ISLAM_GAMING 2 Splendid Screen kills |
Garden Graves Dug![]() MGE BARBARKRAL 20 Market Gardener kills |
George Bushwacka![]() Arif Abi 8 kills with The Bushwacka |
Give It a Little Blow![]() Goofy_ahh_play 4 extinguishes with Flamethrower |
Good-bye Cruel Worlds![]() Strange Individual 1 Soldier taunt kills |
Goombas Stomped![]() zaj 2 Mantreads kills |
Got something for ya!![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Chargin' Targe |
Grave Digger![]() No Award Winner 0 shovel kills |
Hadouken![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with Hadouken |
Hale No![]() No Award Winner 0 Saxxy kills |
Hallelujah!![]() No Award Winner 0 Kamikaze (Lumbricus Lid) kills |
Hands Shook![]() cathave 3 Scottish Handshake kills |
Headache![]() rtss 104 headshots |
Heavy surgery![]() Kat 9 KGB kills |
Hole in One![]() Tame Impala INNERSPEAKER 12 Nessie's Nine Iron kills |
Homewreckin![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Homewrecker |
Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker![]() Tristesse 1 Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker kills |
In and Out![]() No Award Winner 0 players penetrated |
In Soviet Russia Iron Curtain Owns You![]() Yeti |Burnt Out| 2 Iron Curtain kills |
It goes on and on...![]() Tame Impala INNERSPEAKER 3 kills with Your Eternal Reward |
It's Little and Cute and Ben's Sister Likes It![]() JaxsonX 10 Mini Sentry Gun kills |
It's Urgent![]() Goofy_ahh_play 8 kills with the Gloves of Running Urgently |
Jag'd Off![]() ISLAM_GAMING 3 Jag kills |
Juice Loosener![]() Joey Big Nuts 1 Charged Medics killed |
Justified Kills![]() Mayorski 30 kills with the Frontier Justice |
King of vengence![]() Mayorski 29 revenges |
Lives Liberated![]() Huzurevi Kaçağı 2 Liberty Launcher kills |
Loch-n-Load'd![]() RawChester 6 Loch-n-Load kills |
Lookin Good![]() Yeti |Burnt Out| 2 Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol kills |
Lucky Duck![]() Huzurevi Görevlisi 2 kills by telefrag |
Mail's Here![]() No Award Winner 0 Postal Pummeler kills |
Making Heat![]() Joey Big Nuts 4 The Hitman's Heatmaker kills |
Medic Assistance![]() rtss 7 medic assists |
Medic Extinguish![]() No Award Winner 0 extinguishes with Heal Gun |
Melted Men![]() No Award Winner 0 Manmelter kills |
Men Mauled![]() No Award Winner 0 Maul kills |
Milk - does a body good![]() No Award Winner 0 extinguishes with Mad Milk |
Mixed ya right up!![]() cursed 1 Engineer taunt kills (Gunslinger) |
Most Bonus Points![]() rtss 813 bonus points |
Most dominated![]() Mayorski 31 times dominated |
Most Kills![]() Wilkins 186270 kills |
My Fists They Are Made Of Steel!![]() Antroz0n 1 kills with the Fists of Steel |
Nataschas Friend![]() rtss 11 Natascha kills |
NO METAL FOR YOU!![]() rtss 23 dispensers destroyed |
Not even winded![]() soldier 1 scout taunt kills |
Now that's a knife![]() RawChester 3 machete kills |
Oktoberfest!![]() No Award Winner 0 medic taunt kills |
On the Rebound![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with deflected rocket |
One, Two, Punch!![]() cursed 2 Gunslinger Combo Kills |
Ooooh burn!![]() JaxsonX 2 Third Degree kills |
Patients Overdosed![]() No Award Winner 0 Overdose kills |
Persons Persuaded![]() rtss 3 Persian Persuader kills |
Phlogged![]() ISLAM_GAMING 42 Phlogistinator kills |
Pistol![]() ISLAM_GAMING 7 pistol kills |
POW! Ha Ha![]() ISLAM_GAMING 3 kills with heavy taunt |
Powerjacking![]() MasterXenMonkey 1 kills with The Powerjack |
Problems Solved![]() Joey Big Nuts 5 Machina kills |
Prospectors Piercings![]() TTV/JustOnyx_OW 1 kills with the Equalizer |
Pumpkin Bomber![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with a pumpkin bomb |
Pyro![]() Robot Hoovy 4 flame burnings |
Quivering Fool![]() RawChester 16 kills with the Huntsman |
Rakes Wrecked![]() No Award Winner 0 Back Scratcher kills |
Ranged![]() Goofy_ahh_play 2 kills with the L'Etranger |
Reflected Burn![]() No Award Winner 0 Defected Huntsman Burning Arrow kills |
Reflected Detonation![]() No Award Winner 0 Defected Flare (Detonator) kills |
Remote Demolition Man![]() Huzurevi Görevlisi 8 pipe bomb kills |
Reservations Made![]() ItsTheMeta 4 Reserve Shooter kills |
Robin Hood![]() No Award Winner 0 sniper taunt kills |
Rune Slices Served![]() cathave 1 Three-Rune Blade kills |
Rustlers Wrangled![]() Tame Impala INNERSPEAKER 5 kills with the Wrangler |
Samurai Swipes![]() dumbaxe.idiot 9 Half-Zatoichi kills |
Save A Cow, Eat mor Chikin![]() No Award Winner 0 Deflected Cow Mangler Shot kills |
Say no to mini sentries![]() No Award Winner 0 mini sentry guns destroyed |
Say no to sentries![]() rtss 32 sentry guns destroyed |
Scorcher![]() No Award Winner 0 The Scorch Shot kills |
Scotsman's Skullcutter![]() rtss 12 kills with The Scotsman's Skullcutter |
Scout Pistol![]() ArrivingDuck 5 pistol kills |
Shahaha UR Dead![]() rtss 3 Shahanshah kills |
Shotgun![]() ISLAM_GAMING 48 shotgun kills |
Shotgun Heavy![]() ArrivingDuck 2 shotgun kills |
Shotgun Pyro![]() Robot Hoovy 4 shotgun kills |
Shotgun Soldier![]() Retrogue 10 shotgun kills |
Signed Petitioners![]() Antroz0n 5 Conscientious Objector kills |
Skill Rockets![]() MasterXenMonkey 27 kills with the Direct Hit |
Skill Stickies![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with the Scottish Resistance |
Slings Slung![]() Mayorski 11 kills with the Gunslinger |
Soldier![]() ApparitioN 24 rocket kills |
Something's Fishy![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Holy Mackerel |
Souls Evicted![]() No Award Winner 0 Eviction Notice kills |
Souls Popped![]() ItsTheMeta 28 Soda Popper kills |
Souls Rattled![]() No Award Winner 0 Diamondback kills |
Southern This!![]() Goofy_ahh_play 5 kills with the Southern Hospitality |
Spikes Implanted![]() Goofy_ahh_play 5 Conniver's Kunai kills |
Stabber![]() Mayorski 30 knifings |
Stopping Short![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Shortstop |
Submachine gun![]() rtss 23 smg kills |
Suckers Stuck![]() Huzurevi Kaçağı 9 Big Earner kills |
Sword Swallowers![]() No Award Winner 0 Demoman taunt kills |
Swords a Slicing![]() Goofy_ahh_play 45 kills with the Eyelander |
Take a walk!![]() rtss 8 teleporters killed |
Take your Vita-Saws![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Vita-Saw |
Terminator![]() Mayorski 23 minigun kills |
The Gift of Punch![]() Joey Big Nuts 1 Holiday Punch kills |
The Great Escape![]() cathave 2 The Escape Plan kills |
The Injector![]() ISLAM_GAMING 5 syringe kills |
The Rainman![]() Goofy_ahh_play 7 The Rainblower kills |
The Saw![]() No Award Winner 0 sawed bones |
The Tribalman's Shiv![]() No Award Winner 0 kills with The Tribalman's Shiv |
Tomis Tapped![]() Joey Big Nuts 10 Tomislav kills |
Top Sniper![]() ISLAM_GAMING 27 snipings |
Ubermedic![]() No Award Winner 0 deployed charges |
Ubersaw![]() ISLAM_GAMING 5 kills with ubersaw |
Warriors Winged![]() Tristesse 3 Winger kills |
Wayne![]() Mayorski 71 revolver kills |
We've got a bleeder![]() ItsTheMeta 17 bleed kills |
What's in the box?![]() Tame Impala INNERSPEAKER 8 kills with The Black Box |
Who wants some of this?![]() MasterXenMonkey 16 kills with the Force-A-Nature |
Widows Made![]() JaxsonX 8 Widowmaker kills |
Wrapping Machine![]() Pigeon Master of the World 1 Wrap Assassin kills |